I'm a cuorious person looking to understand and improve my life and other's. Join the adventure of continuous improvement and you'll find something to apply to your own life. And who knows, maybe we can build something together.

I grew up in a small town, but at the age of 18 I moved to Buenos Aires to study Software Engineering and stayed here.

I've been working in Software for different industries for over 13 years now. I'm currently the Director of Engineering at MeBeBot, an Austin startup where we apply AI to increase productivity and employee engagement in the workplace.

Espero poder compartir con ustedes mis experimentos en las siguientes áreas:

  • Tecnología aplicada para personas normales
  • Self sovereignty
  • Longevidad
  • Inteligencia Artificial
  • Sustentabilidad

Posteo semanalmente actualizaciones sobre lo que estoy haciendo y cada tanto contenido de formato más largo para adentrarme en temas puntuales o para mostrarles como aplicar lo que aprendemos de manera práctica a nuestras vidas.

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